
What is Procurement Accessibility?

In accordance with   California Government Code 11135, California State University (CSU) system requires that all programs, services, and activities of the CSU be accessible to all students, faculty, staff, and members of the public. 这包括努力确保所有信息通信技术(ICT)产品也能普遍获得. 


ATI Policies for Procurement

加州州立大学(CSU)系统要求所有的课程, services, and activities of the CSU be accessible to all students, faculty, staff, and members of the public. The CSU's policy on accessibility as articulated in   Executive Order 1111 (EO1111)   是由科罗拉多州立大学无障碍技术倡议(ATI)指导的   ATI Coded Memorandum AA-2013-03.  

CSU ATI侧重于消除三个关键领域的可访问性差距:网络, instructional materials, and procurement.  CSU ATI采购流程要求向CSU系统内的校园提供信息和通信技术(ICT)产品的供应商, 还必须提供有关其产品可访问性的文档,并且必须与CSU系统和校园合作,以减轻他们提供的产品中的可访问性问题和关注点.  


CSUF ATI Procurement Process

十大靠谱网赌平台致力于在校园内使用最便捷的技术产品和服务. Accessible Procurement applies to all campus technology purchases, including self-support and auxiliaries, irrespective of funding source. Types of products requiring accessibility analysis include, but are not limited to, servers, desktops, laptops, tablets, transaction machines, information kiosks, printers, miscellaneous electronic office equipment, multimedia, software, cloud services, and service contracts. 

The high-level steps involved in the process:

  1. Request is submitted via Service Now (CSUF login required).
  2. 请求同时发送给适当的主题专家. 根据产品/服务,主题专家可以包括IT、ATI、ISO和C&P.
  3. Upon receipt and review of all required documentation, request is approved and an authorization number is issued. 
  4. Requester proceeds with purchase. 


What is a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT)?

A VPAT 是供应商生成的声明,它提供了关于产品或服务如何符合第508节无障碍标准(来自美国.S. 信息和通信技术(ICT)接入委员会)以一致的方式和格式. In general, 每当供应商开发确定为ICT的产品或服务并将在加州州立大学市场上销售时,都应生成VPAT. In each VPAT, 供应商应以简单易懂的语言作出具体说明,说明他们的产品或服务如何符合第508节标准的要求(逐节), and paragraph by paragraph).

包括硬件在内的所有信息和通信技术(ICT)采购都需要vpat, software, and services, regardless of cost, for use by one or more students in a public academic setting (lab, classroom, etc.), more than one University employee, or the general public.

Please email if you have any questions regarding this process.


What is an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR)?

An ACR is a vendor submitted VPAT.  任何超过两年的ACR都不能被接受,并且必须由供应商更新. 

CSUF IT要求供应商提供完整的、最新的可访问性一致性报告(ACR). Vendors can use CSU Accessibility Technology Initiative vendor requirments to accurately guide them to complete an ACR.

请注意,如果申请人在首次提交日期后的30天内没有回复中小企业, the ServiceNow request will be canceled, and you will need to submit a new IT Purchasing request.

For more information, please visit IT Purchasing VPAT/ACR.


What is an Accessibility statement?

可访问性声明是传递内部组织策略的公共信息页面, accessibility goals, 以及过去为残疾人服务和工作的成功.

The accessibility statement should include:

  1. 一份明确的承诺声明,确保所有用户都能平等使用
  2. 对无障碍技术标准的总体遵从程度的总结
  3. 为残疾用户提供的有关产品可访问性特性和障碍的信息
  4. Clear instructions for accessing user support
  5. A mechanism to allow users to provide accessibility feedback

What is An Accessibility road Map?

可访问性路线图是供应商为在合理且明确的时间内弥补已确定的可访问性差距而制定的具体计划. 可访问性路线图包括在审查过程中发现的每个差距的列表和描述, lists the gaps' current resolution status and disposition, and specifies a timeline for each gaps' remediation.



What is an Equally Effective alternate access plan (EEAAP)?

EEAAP是由部门完成的文件,概述了部门将采取的步骤,以提供由难以访问的技术提供的相同信息或服务. 如果无障碍技术主题专家对ICT产品ACR的审查确定不符合无障碍法规,则需要EEAAP.


将向最初的购买请求者发送电子邮件提醒,以与开发人员/供应商一起审查产品的可访问性. 逐步提高我校采购产品和服务的可及性, 我们建议与制造供应商或服务提供商联系,要求从购买时开始进行任何可访问性更新. 这一过程将有助于规划购买新的或更新信息通信技术和服务.

Here are a few examples of reasons why an EEAAP was required:

  1. 无障碍一致性报告(ACR/填写的VPAT)已超过两年.
  2. ACR有声明产品有可访问性问题的信息.
  3. The developer is not able to provide an ACR.



For more information, please visit Training Resources.


Contact for Vendors concerning question about ATI Review Process
